Citizen Correspondent


Outgoing Socialist Prime Minister Robert Fico (SMER-SD) won the challenge to form a new government in Slovakia. On Wednesday, 23 March, President Kiska appointed Fico as Prime Ministern again. His coalition comprises the socialists of SMER-SD, the nationalists of SNS, the center-right Siet and the party representing the Hungarian minority, Most-HID. The majority controls 81 out of 150 seats in parliament. A confidence vote is supposed to be held within 30 days to confirm the new government.


Those who blame refugees and Muslims hide the role of the alliance between the West and the petrol-monarchies.

Citizen Correspondent

By Lorenzo Feltrin (Translation from Italian by Carlo Geromel)

As it is well known, terrorist attacks are a manna from heaven for fascists and other xenophobic forces who point to the massacres as a confirmation of their theses: migrants and Muslims are a threat that must be erased in one way or another…

Citizen Correspondent

Ce lundi (7/09) les producteurs de lait étaient en colère et l’ont clairement démontré dans le quartier européen, à Bruxelles. Au même moment les ministres de l’Agriculture se réunissaient en conseil extraordinaire pour décider du futur de la production laitière européenne. Selon Véronique Lefolch, présidente de l’Organisation des Producteurs Laitiers, section laitière de la Coordination Rurale, vu les profits des industriels, le lait pourrait arriver quasiment gratuitement dans les supermarchés.

Citizen Correspondent

Much has been debated about the Plan B that would lead Greece into previously uncharted waters of a so called ‘Grexit’. The Alexis Tsipras-headed government had the very same scenario prepared, according to the ex-finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who led the negotiations with the Eurozone leaders and the “Institutions”. Varoufakis, in a teleconference call on July 16, alleged that his boss had given him the go-ahead to create a parallel banking system.

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