Citizen Correspondent

I have spent most of my working life in schools through a number of arts-in-education programs. I began on Long Island, east of New York City. Then I moved to the Canadian prairie where I have lived in or near the city of Winnipeg ever since. At a certain point, I had a realization. All…

The advance of the COVID-19 pandemic has created a new scenario of exclusion and invisibility for people with disabilities, leaving a large portion of this population in need of assistance, resources, accessibility, or medical monitoring and rehabilitation. Despite the fundamental right to health, education, and access to society’s resources for persons with disabilities, as established by…

The great philosopher Jimmy Buffett once noted that “It’s those changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes. Nothing remains quite the same”. Over the past few months, my travels have taken me to several countries in the EU, as well as back to my home in the USA. At the end of my travels, as I…

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