About us

Our vision

In the Greek language, katoikos means resident or inhabitant, and can refer to both a man and a woman. The spirit of this publication is that it is open to each and every katoikos, each citizen of the world, from the youngest to the oldest, no matter what gender s/he may have, what language s/he may speak, what religion or cultural tradition s/he may follow.

We want to bring out the common elements that unite humanity – and at the same time to celebrate the diversity that is the salt of our lives. We want to be a source of authentic opinions, news and views, debunking the increasingly frequent fake news. And we are inspired by the shared interest for peace, human dignity and well-being for all.

Our story

Katoikos.world – then Katoikos.eu – was initially launched in 2014 by José-Luis Herrero and Georgios Kostakos as a “community-creation” project. The goal was to reach citizens across Europe, get them interested in European affairs in the largest possible sense, and encourage them to engage in horizontal dialogue by all available means: from analysis to humour, information to opinion, standard narrative to theatre, text to video and audio. This period has endowed Katoikos with a host of interesting articles and cartoons that you can find by going through our earlier posts.

In its new phase, from the fall of 2018 onwards, Katoikos has been relaunched, according to the wish of its co-founders, as self-standing project of the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS), which is advocating for a more fair and inclusive globalisation through improved global governance, sustainability and citizenship.

Who runs Katoikos

  • Georgios Kostakos – Katoikos Publisher and FOGGS Executive Director
  • Antoine Brimbal – Trainee Katoikos Managing Editor
  • Manan Shah – Associate Editor
  • Branson Gillispie – Associate Editor
  • Eleonora L. Cammarano – Associate Editor

Support us

Informed analysis and incisive commentary require time and energy. If you like our work and think it deserves the attention of wider audiences, we would highly value your contribution, however modest.

Here’s the information on how you can help.

For any question, concern or advice you may have, please write to us at info@foggs.org


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