Tagged COVID-19

The advance of the COVID-19 pandemic has created a new scenario of exclusion and invisibility for people with disabilities, leaving a large portion of this population in need of assistance, resources, accessibility, or medical monitoring and rehabilitation. Despite the fundamental right to health, education, and access to society’s resources for persons with disabilities, as established by…

By Daniel Orth and Lauren Brennan   At the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS) we appreciate the role that military personnel and equipment can play and have already been playing in areas struck by natural or human-made disasters ranging from pandemics, like COVID-19, to floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, industrial accidents and oil…

October 24th is observed worldwide as “UN Day”, the day that the Charter of the United Nations Organization came into effect. The year was 1945, at the end of World War II, and it was the start of humanity’s second experiment in global governance, after the failed League of Nations in the inter-war period. UN…

India – one of the cradles of human civilization, an economic powerhouse with the fifth-biggest GDP among all countries, the largest and most diverse democracy in the world. Yet recently, the COVID-centred coverage of international media has reduced this enormously complex nation into an endless series of calamitous scenes of death and suffering wrought by…

This article by Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram was originally published on ksjomo.org. The original can be accessed here.   SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR: Vaccine developers’ refusal to share publicly funded vaccine research findings is stalling broader, affordable vaccinations which would more rapidly contain COVID-19 contagion. The pandemic had infected at least 109 million…

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues its stranglehold over societies and economies the world over, it is becoming increasingly clear that widespread vaccination of whole populations is one key to re-opening the door to some semblance of normality.  Part one, the rapid development of safe and effective vaccines, was a triumph for science, however it is…

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