
Quality of life, access to clean water, basic sanitation, decent living conditions, and good education remain far from the reality of the population. In October 2016, with the sanction, by the President of the Republic, of Decree No. 8.892 of October 27, 2016, Brazil officially adopted the 2030 Agenda together with other UN member states,…

The effects of climate change usually fall heavily on marginalized populations, including millions of persons with disabilities (PWDs) worldwide, especially those living in rural areas and poor communities. Almost 13 years ago, at COP16 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the 2010 Cancun Agreements identified PWDs as disproportionally affected by the climate…

Authors: Dimitra Panagiotatou, Stella Ladi, and Angelos Angelou* Vaccine hesitancy has alarmed governments anxious to return to normality for economic and political reasons. Unlike other vaccination programmes, the Covid-19 one has been subject to extraordinary levels of politicisation. Conspiracy theories disseminated via fake news have transformed the universal fight against a global health threat into a controversial…

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UCNFCC), the world’s first climate change treaty, is 30 years old.  It was adopted on 9 May 1992 and opened for signature at the Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro on 4 June 1992.  Should the world be celebrating? Looking back Personally, I take…

We marked the International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination this year with the theme ‘Youth standing up against racism’. It seems only right, therefore, to acknowledge the Black Lives Matter demonstrations that erupted across the world in 2020. Research shows that Generation Z and Millennials were at the forefront of the movement and…

On March 20, 2021, we celebrate the 9th annual International Day of Happiness, a day commemorated by the General Assembly of the United Nations to acknowledge the inextricable connection between well-being and human development around the globe. On this day, the international community – including world leaders, policymakers, and economists – are reminded that well-being must be measured through determinants far more complex than income and wealth accumulation. This idea is not modern in any sense. Quoting Aristotle from his book Nicomachean Ethics, “wealth is…

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