I’m proud to be an immigrant
I’ve been an immigrant for most of my adult life, and I cannot but express my full solidarity with my fellow immigrants, who have been less charmed.
I’ve been an immigrant for most of my adult life, and I cannot but express my full solidarity with my fellow immigrants, who have been less charmed.
The Union’s critics like to compare it to the Soviet Union. But there is more than an echo of Lenin’s “democratic centralism” in what Mrs May is now proposing.
By Louisa Naks British media have been recently reporting on the rise in hate crimes. According to some reports there has been a 20% increase in hate crimes following the referendum results. While this is a troubling figure, we shouldn’t jump to conclusion that any crime perpetrated against an immigrant is a hate crime. Take…
On Friday, 24 June 2016, Brits woke up stunned to discover that the UK had voted to leave Europe. It was an earth-shattering sensation. As a Scot abroad, I was devastated. Thirty years for nothing? The vote of the ignorant, the elderly and some so rich that they don’t need to belong to anything, had turned their back to the world, progress, positive environmentalism and so many other elements that are an integral part of belonging to the EU.
The most troubling thing about the EU referendum in the UK isn’t its result but what the campaign revealed about the condition of our democracies.
As the date of the British referendum on its EU membership approaches, the country finds itself evenly split, while Europe holds its breath.
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or not? On June 23rd, just shy of one week, the British people will come forth and seal the fate of their country and, perhaps, of Europe as a whole. But how did we get here in the first place?
(Note the predominance of UK flags in the picture. See also our background article.) DECISION OF THE HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT, MEETING WITHIN THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL, CONCERNING A NEW SETTLEMENT FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM WITHIN THE EUROPEAN UNION The Heads of State or Government of the 28 Member States of the European Union,…