Articles by Andreas Marazis

Andreas Marazis is the Project Manager (Eastern ENP) of European Neighbourhood Council (ENC), a newly established NGO based in Brussels. Previously he worked as junior researcher at FRIDE a Spanish Think-Tank based in Madrid and Brussels.

Andreas holds a MLitt in Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland, UK) and an MA in Black Sea Cultural Studies from the International Hellenic University (Thessaloniki, Greece). Andreas also holds a BA in Greek Philology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

His research is concerned with the post-Soviet space, particularly socio-political developments in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. He focuses on the interaction between newly established states, such as Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, with key regional (Russia, China, Iran, Turkey) and extra-regional actors (US, EU).


By Andreas Marazis

No, Europe is not considered a victim of the economic phenomenon known as “Dutch Disease” or “resource curse”, referring to economies of countries that rely heavily on natural resource revenues. But it might suffer from a different kind of “Dutch Disease” brought about by the serious blow from the “NO” outcome of the April 6, 2016 Dutch referendum  regarding the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement which has served to fragment the EU and weaken its unified decision-making power.

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