
The hideous and deplorable attacks in Paris on November 13th have unleashed a wave of fear throughout Europe triggering the lockdown of the Belgian capital Brussels. The clocks were pointing at 1am on Friday 20th, when the Belgian government decided to raise the terror alert to its maximum, 4 out of 4, due to a “serious and imminent” threat similar to the tragic events in Paris claimed by the Islamic State, “with multiples attacks in different places,” said the Belgian prime minister Charles Michel.

Citizen Correspondent

By Samira   

Alors que le terrorisme fondamentaliste frappe à nouveau plusieurs continents en même temps, Paris, Bamako en l’espace de quelques jours ; il donne l’impression que c’est une guerre aux multiples fronts qui se développe et qui tourne en dérision les principes les plus fondamentaux du droit de la guerre comme le respect de la vie des civils.

By Francisco de Borja Lasheras

When, like every Monday in the 1990s, the children at her school in Sambir, western Ukraine, sang the national anthem, Anna felt nothing. It was a cold ritual, directed towards an impersonal entity: the state, which did not evoke many positive emotions. Suspicion more like.

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