Articles by Katoikos World

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Boutros Boutros-Ghali

The Egyptian veteran diplomat who helped negotiate the peace agreement between his country and Israel, but who then confronted the United States when he served as Secretary General of the UN, has died at age 93. Boutros-Ghali, the eldest son of a prominent Egyptian Christian family, was the first UN chief from the African continent.

Multilateralism is back

The final weeks of 2015 saw remarkable activity at the global level producing concrete results, for a change. The UN climate change conference in Paris (COP 21) ended in mid-December with the adoption of an ambitious Paris Agreement that will guide climate action starting in 2020 and carrying on for many years thereafter. A few days later the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on the way forward in Syria, while an agreement among the Libyan factions was endorsed by the UN Security Council…

Citizen Correspondent

By Samira   

Alors que le terrorisme fondamentaliste frappe à nouveau plusieurs continents en même temps, Paris, Bamako en l’espace de quelques jours ; il donne l’impression que c’est une guerre aux multiples fronts qui se développe et qui tourne en dérision les principes les plus fondamentaux du droit de la guerre comme le respect de la vie des civils.

Those who blame refugees and Muslims hide the role of the alliance between the West and the petrol-monarchies.

Citizen Correspondent

By Lorenzo Feltrin (Translation from Italian by Carlo Geromel)

As it is well known, terrorist attacks are a manna from heaven for fascists and other xenophobic forces who point to the massacres as a confirmation of their theses: migrants and Muslims are a threat that must be erased in one way or another…

Terrorism will not prevail

The terrorist attacks in Paris, in the night of Friday, 13 November, have shaken France, the rest of Europe and beyond. Although not the first major attack on the French capital in the course of this year, with the Charlie Hebdo massacre only some ten months earlier, this took terrorism to another level, in terms of audacity and coordination on the part of the perpetrators, and number of victims. With more than 120 people dead and almost one hundred more fighting for their lives, several suicide bombers and indiscriminate killings, this was a scene of Baghdad or Beirut enacted in the heart of Europe, like never before…

Citizen Correspondent

By Deniz Torcu

When I was working for a UNESCO Commission in Turkey a couple of years ago, we had started receiving dozens of phone calls from the Southern Turkish border with Syria, from refugees desperately trying to get in touch with some authority that could help them get settled in a camp or help them get to the EU

Citizen Correspondent

By David Yarrow and Sean McDaniel

Jeremy Corbyn, a rebellious left-wing MP who remained on the fringes of the UK’s Labour Party for over thirty years, has stormed onto the political scene and won the party’s recent election by a landslide. Winning an enormous 59.5% of the vote in a four-way contest, Corbyn’s victory gives him an unprecedented mandate from the Labour Party’s members and affiliated supporters.

Citizen Correspondent

By Deniz Torcu

Hosting nearly 2 million Syrian refugees and serving as the crossing point into the European Union for many other hundreds of thousands, with unfortunate tragedies occurring on a daily basis, Turkey’s domestic unrest has been out of the spotlight for the past few weeks. Recently, the conflict with the PKK has brought Turkey’s domestic situation back to the spotlight, namely in the city of Cizre in recent days. As strategically important as ever, the current disarray in the country is even more relevant to the rest of the European Union. In the general elections earlier this June, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) was dealt some harsh blows. Having lost the absolute…

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