
The European Commission published a report on employment and social developments in Europe, on 15 January, where it is noted that more than nine million more are unemployed compared with 2008. The unemployment rate in the 28 EU member states reached 10.0% in November 2014, down from 10.7% in November 2013. Youth unemployment reached 21.9% in the EU and 23.7% in the euro area, compared with 23.2% and 23.9% respectively in November 2013. Unemployed young people under 25 are now 5.1 million in the EU, compared with 3.4 million in the Eurozone.

Calvin Harris is one of the sexiest DJ nowadays, but don’t let that baby face fool you, because Calvin is turning 31 years old! The Scottish DJ is living his best professional moment: he’s launched his new single, he’s been nominated to Best Song and Best Videoclip for the Brit Awards 2015 and he’s become…

Swedish actress Anita Ekberg says her final goodbye at age 83 at the San Raffaele di Rocca di Papa clinic, in Castelli Romani, near Rome, where she had been living over the last years. Anita leaves us with unforgettable images and her iconic “Marcello, come here” from La Dolce Vita by Federico Fellini. We say…

Défendre la liberté d’expression en France pour un projet commun de société


The author of this article is a Muslim woman in her mid 40s, of Algerian nationality but resident in France since her youth, who prefers her identity not to be disclosed.

La radicalisation religieuse est un refuge idéologique pour les terroristes qui ne fait que masquer le déséquilibre psychologique de ces personnes et l’échec de leur intégration sociale. Voilà ce que ces terroristes combattent réellement, un ordre social où ils n’ont pas pu trouver leur place. C’est un problème social et non un problème religieux.

English Language as Cultural Capital

Graham McDougall – Just as the Euro represents a symbol of economic capital in what is perceived to be a rapidly homogenising European economy, the English language is quickly becoming a symbol of great cultural capital and a highly desirable, borderline indispensable skill; a must for the CV of any young European who wishes to be a important player in this brave new world.

I voted in the last presidential election just a few weeks ago. Yet still, when I gave my identity card to the embassy staff in Brussels I was somehow reminded of Romania’s communist legacy. “You are only half a Clujeanca, your birth place is actually Comanesti,” said the official. Indeed, I was born in the eastern part of Romania because my mother had been assigned a job there, as part of the Romanian Communist Party’s economic policies. Young professionals like her were uprooted upon finishing university, and spread around the country so that all regions would develop equally, no matter their local specificities.







Prince Albert and Princess Charlène of Monaco have introduced us to their two little twins, Jacques and Gabriella, just three weeks after their arrival into the world.  The twins were warmly welcomed by the people of Monaco, who celebrated that day as if it was a National Holiday. However, the previous week the new-borns were…

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