Iossif Davidov nos da su opinión sobre las nuevas estrategias de la Unión Europea hacia los Balcanes Occidentales…
Iossif Davidov nos da su opinión sobre las nuevas estrategias de la Unión Europea hacia los Balcanes Occidentales…
It is said that austerity is our fate. But severe fiscal constraints are a fact of economic life only for countries without their own currency.
Smear campaigns, threats and leaks: Austria’s general election campaign was not only the country’s longest ever, but its dirtiest too.
Martin Schulz chose not to openly champion for “red-red-green”. He then plunged in the polls, also failing to represent an alternative for Germany and Europe.
Renzi and Macron aim to promote growth and employment by following the path of Germany’s last social-democratic chancellor. They may be digging their own graves.
Kohl’s funeral showed just how far Europe has come since the division and war. His vision of peace, unity and shared identity is gradually becoming a reality.
The abuses and exploitation that refugees face at the hands of human traffickers fail to explain or justify the level of opprobrium in the Western media.
Already 16% of Mélenchon’s voters have apparently decided that if they can’t have his version of socialism they’ll happily vote for the national variety instead.
Beppe Grillo’s party seems to be falling under its own weapons.
The hideous and deplorable attacks in Paris on November 13th have unleashed a wave of fear throughout Europe triggering the lockdown of the Belgian capital Brussels. The clocks were pointing at 1am on Friday 20th, when the Belgian government decided to raise the terror alert to its maximum, 4 out of 4, due to a “serious and imminent” threat similar to the tragic events in Paris claimed by the Islamic State, “with multiples attacks in different places,” said the Belgian prime minister Charles Michel.