Tagged Afghanistan

In April 2018, at New Delhi International Airport, I boarded the flight heading to Kabul, along with a couple of my colleagues from The Dais. Initially filled with excitement as I entered the flight, the realization that I was going to Afghanistan sunk as I boarded the flight and saw before me a plane filled…

By António Guterres

The European Union is preparing key emergency meetings to take decisions in its response to the present refugee and migration crisis. The situation requires a massive common effort that is not possible with the current fragmented approach….

Europe is facing a moment of truth. This is the time to reaffirm the values upon which it was built.

The EU’s migration challenge

The recent tragedies in the Mediterranean, with the loss in a few days of hundreds of lives of people desperately trying to reach the EU shores, brought starkly to the fore the issue of migration, both of the asylum-seeking and the economic kind. In a typical fashion, EU ministers and heads of government reacted with half-baked measures, trying to respond to the emergency at hand but failing to put forward a comprehensive strategy or vision for addressing the issue and its root causes in the long run.

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