Daily Archives: 6 July, 2015

Citizen Correspondent

The author of this article is a Muslim woman in her mid 40s, of Algerian nationality but resident in France since her youth, who prefers her identity not to be disclosed. 

L’Egypte et la Tunisie ont pour point commun de ne pas avoir adopté de régime islamiste au lendemain du printemps arabe. Issue prévisible ou non de leur révolution ; le premier semble avoir voulu retourner au conservatisme militaire, sans doute du fait de la tournure dramatique qu’y a prit le printemps arabe, révélant ainsi un manque de préparation citoyenne au changement.

The “No” has won a landslide victory in Greece´s referendum on the draft agreement presented by “The Institutions” on 25 June with more than 61% of the votes cast. Greece’s governing party, Syriza, had strongly campaigned for the “No” and two-thirds of the Greeks who went to the polls on Sunday backed them up.

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