Engage for a better future after COVID-19

Humanity is still reeling from the terrifying effects of the invisible enemy known by the code name COVID-19. The dead of this silent war are significant in numbers, and the fragility of the global economy is exposed.

As some light is starting to appear at the end of the tunnel, the world after COVID-19 seems already quite different. Many, if not most people, would consider it normal to return to the previous state of affairs. But the future world cannot be the same, and in fact we are no longer the same ourselves.

There is a utopian side to the new world that is emerging. It includes living within our means. This way nature is given a chance to recover. It also includes strong social policy systems. It introduces a new economy that works for all. It puts technology at the service of humanity. It mobilises the military for peaceful logistics and medical support.

There is a dystopian side too that is equally large. It includes the raising of border fences. The economy has ground to a halt and governments get into huge debt to keep big corporations afloat. A worrisome suspension of democratic rules and practices has become evident, along with an undermining of human rights, as governments increasingly rule by decree.

Which of the two sides of Janus will prevail and how the post-COVID-19 world will look like? Guess what, it is not predetermined and we all have a chance to influence the result. Too much of an effort, some of you may say. Remember that democracy and freedom require personal effort and sacrifices, they are not offered on a silver platter. Individually and collectively there are some things that we should make sure we get right as we shape our future world.

The Katoikos team has put together a list of elements, on which a better post-COVID-19 world could be built, in the form of a petition for your signature. Sign, comment and share the petition, so that collectively we reach out to the UN Secretary-General and the leaders of all countries and demand that they incorporate these elements in their planning and decision-making. And of course we will be here to check that they do so.

Engage for a better future after COVID-19 #Engage4Better


Katoikos is organising a webinar on the petition on Wednesday, May 13 at 17h00 Brussels time. To register click here.

Katoikos World

The editorial team of Katoikos

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