UN75+25: The beauty in humanity is the essence of community

The mission of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security. As we enter into a new decade in the midst of a global pandemic, this mission should be held with even higher regard than it has in the past. The UN We Want for the World We Deserve should comprise of states and leaders of such states who act in accordance to create a positive, global community. Entities within the UN system that work to benefit their own egregious means whether it be financially or politically despoil the basis of the United Nations. Thus, by holding constituents, states, and international organizations accountable, we can strive as individuals to create a more prosperous world for the future of humanity.

Now more than ever people are becoming more involved in the international realm. Access to technology is rapidly increasing especially on the continents of Africa and Asia. Global issues such as racism, sexual assault, LGBTQI+ rights, climate change, food scarcity, the refugee crisis, and so much more are being brought to the forefront for policymakers and governments. While there has been a tremendous amount of progress towards maintaining international peace and security since World War II, there is a great deal of work that must be done. When the word peace comes to mind, I begin to wonder, how can we truly be at peace in one environment when individuals across borders are risking their lives to provide basic necessities for their families?

As a Black woman hailing from Detroit, MI, USA I have seen and experienced the extremes resulting from a lack of access to resources. Being a graduate student at one of the top international schools in the world, I thought what is the purpose in pursuing this degree when my own colleagues are silent as Black bodies continue to be oppressed by an inherently racist system? In this, I arrive at my answer; an answer which seeks a similar mission to the UN’s. The purpose in continuing my education lies in breaking barriers and connecting with people from all over the world to create a world where all can live comfortably. The world we deserve to live in should not be at the expense of others or our natural environment. By creating opportunities for those we come into contact with, we create diverse spaces for all to thrive, for all to succeed and for all to have better and more sustainable livelihoods.

There is a word in the Zulu language called “ubuntu” which means a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity. A model UN incorporates community-building so that another genocide such as the one in Rwanda never takes place again. A model UN involves diverse leaders who can come together and produce solutions that benefit humanity. If we are able to think past our own personal gains, we can create a UN we want for the world we deserve.

Fatou Sow

Fatou Sow is a master’s candidate at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies concentrating in African Studies and International Economics. One of her main goals is to bridge the gap between young students in the Black diaspora through social dimensions such as study abroad and mentorship.

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