Episode 16 – Activist v. France: a modern David and Goliath story | Loan Torondel

🌎 This episode of the Global Citizen podcast presents an intimate account of a years-long battle between a young French activist working working with refugees in Calais, and the French state, which pressed criminal defamation charges against him for the apparent crime of posting a picture of policemen with a funny caption.

🗣️ Today’s guest is Loan Torondel, humanitarian and social worker from France, currently active in search and rescue missions in the mediterranean sea. Loan – who I had the pleasure of meeting and working with a few years ago – kindly agreed to come on the podcast to share his deeply moving story with me, and with you, the dear audience of the GCP.

☑️ In this super intimate and interesting conversation, Loan and I explored the personal dimensions of this ordeal, namely how it affects one’s mental health and social life, as well as the political dimensions, like the motives behind the charges, the political climate at the time that led to lawsuits such as this one, and the impact that this ruling has had on future similar cases.

Thanks once again for tuning in, and we hope you enjoy this episode!


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