Daily Archives: 26 June, 2015

The US intelligence establishment must have been very confident that their surveillance methods would never be discovered by the surveilled individuals in order to risk wiretapping European leaders. Otherwise, it is difficult to understand how on earth they decided to gamble those relationships with some of their closest European allies in exchange for information obtained…

Citizen Correspondent

No news is bad news

Europe is going through sad times. Speaking to the leaders of the 28 EU member states, the European Council President Donald Tusk declared on 25 June war on illegal migration, Hungary announced plans for building a four-meter-high fence along its 175-kilometre border with Serbia to keep migrants from crossing into its territory and the Schengen area. Also, in response to attempts made by desperate migrants who took advantage of a strike among French ferry workers to cross into the UK at Calais on 23 June, the French promised to build stronger fences and station additional border officials there.

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