Daily Archives: 27 May, 2015

Full speech by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.  I am honoured to address the representatives of the people of Europe. I congratulate President Schulz for receiving the prestigious Charlemagne Prize this month for his work to promote democracy and to bring the European Parliament closer to the people it serves. This parliament represents a…

The future of the World Cup is in the air and FIFA is mired in one of its deepest crises. US justice authorities have accused nine of its executives of corruption and Switzerland is currently investigating the award of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the 2022 event to Qatar. In what could be the biggest sports scandal in history, early on Wednesday Swiss police burst into the luxury Baur au Lac Hotel in Zurich and arrested seven FIFA officials – and in the same city carried out a search at the headquarters of football’s powerful governing body. There are also five business executives involved in the plot. All are accused of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering

As a reaction to the austerity imposed on Portugal, a new political movement gave birth to a new political party, the poppy-branded LIVRE. Founded in March 2014 by former Left Bloc MEP Rui Tavares, LIVRE has already participated in the last European Parliament elections (May 2014), albeit unsuccessfully, registering only 2,18% of the votes. Anti-austerity and pro-European, this leftist party is politically and ideologically in line with the Spanish Podemos and the Greek Syriza.

After his meeting with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on 25 May, UK Prime Minister David Cameron will soon be taking his show on the road with plans to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande, among others, concerning the future of Britain’s EU membership. The discussion will revolve around British demands to renegotiate the Lisbon Treaty as a…

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