CHANGE MAKERS Episode 2 – Guatemala vs the War on Drugs | Fernando Carrera

What makes you agree to work for a right wing, ex-military President when you have spent much of your life working to defend and promote human rights? What is it like to work with that President to change the longstanding international strategy of waging a War on Drugs? How do you face down the Prime Minister of Israel who is unhappy about your country recognizing the State of Palestine? And what drives you to call on your own President to step down?

These were some of the questions Jason and Yoriko asked Fernando Carrera, former Foreign Minister of Guatemala, in this second episode of CHANGE MAKERS. The answers were always fascinating and often surprising, with some valuable lessons about how politics – particularly geopolitics – works in real life. In fact, the conversation was so engrossing that we decided to extend it over two episodes!

Thanks for tuning in!

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