Articles by Diego Carbonell

Graduated in Business Administration, post-graduated in Controlling, Auditing and Compliance, and MBA in Facility Management. Coordinator of the Climate Change Working Group (WG) of the Brazilian Association of Professionals for Sustainable Development (ABRAPS); Assistant Coordinator of the Special Sustainability Commission of the Regional Council of Administration of Rio de Janeiro – CRA-RJ; Invited Member of the Environmental Sustainability Commission of the Regional Accounting Council of Rio de Janeiro – CRC-RJ; Professor of the discipline “Topics of Sustainability in FM and Corporate Social Responsibility” of the MBA in Facility Management at AVM Educational/University Candido Mendes. Works as ESG Analyst in a fintech company, Dock, a unicorn company that is one of the Latin American leaders in payment solutions and banking as a service – responsible for projects and initiatives related to the company’s Environmental/Environmental and Governance/Governance pillars.

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