Articles by John Brown

The Justus Lipsius, for the likely 99% of Europeans who don´t know what it is, is the building of the European Council in Brussels (the percentage of Europeans who know what the European Council is may be slightly higher). A rainbow over it may indicate, according to a tweet by Juncker´s Chief of Staff Martin…

Paciencia Melgar, a missionary born in Equatorial Guinea, was working alongside a Spanish missionary, Miguel Pajares, treating Ebola-infected patients on the outskirts of Monrovia. Eventually, the two missionaries became infected, and their condition deteriorated rapidly. Father Pajares was repatriated to Spain for treatment in a specially conditioned airplane. He asked the Spanish authorities to take Mrs. Melgar along too. The Spanish authorities refused. Yet fate took a surprising turn…
 A few days later, Father Pajares, aged 75, died in Madrid despite all medical efforts while Mrs. Melgar miraculously recovered, and started donating her Ebola-defeating blood to save Spaniards infected with the disease.

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