Tagged Macedonia

Wiretapping scandal in Macedonia casts doubts on judicial independence

By Jasmina Dimitrieva

The political opposition in Macedonia, led by the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), continues to publicly air wiretaps of government officials and other VIPs from the judiciary, the state secret service and the media, which have been obtained from an undisclosed source. The content has been rocking the country for the past three months as it unveils alleged corruption in all areas of public life. It appears that the law enforcement, the judiciary and the prosecutor’s office are being plagued by widespread political coercion and bargaining despite long-standing judicial and security sector reform funded by the EU and the US.

Allegations of massive wire-tapping: are there any secrets left in Macedonia?

The Republic of Macedonia is a tiny country at the Eastern edge of Europe. In the process of transition from its socialist past to a democratic future, Macedonia seems to have lost its way, after the opposition leader Zaev alleged a massive prolonged wire-tapping of about 20,000 individuals by the Macedonian secret police. The opposition made public secretly recorded conversations of high-ranking politicians, of government officials, of journalists, and of the chief of the secret police. The opposition claims that the communications of at least six foreign diplomats were also kept under surveillance.

By Jasmina Dimitrieva

Are elections and democracy one and the same thing? Not only voters, but also elected officials sometimes confuse democracy with elections. Such mental attitude sees the internationally guaranteed right to public participation in decision-making reduced to elections. The inherent risk is that public participation in the formulation and implementation of public polices for common good, as enunciated in the constitutions of Europe, remains a philosophical concept, with the elections as a sole manifestation of democracy on the physical plan. While looking at the other side of the coin, it seems beyond imagination nowadays to have in place a democratic system of governance without first holding elections, and without a meaningful parliamentary opposition.

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