BUCHAREST´s coolest secret
Where can you spend the day digging into one of the most sordid episodes of communism -the tragic end of Nicolae Ceaușescu- watching contemporary art …
Where can you spend the day digging into one of the most sordid episodes of communism -the tragic end of Nicolae Ceaușescu- watching contemporary art …
The capital of the EU is also the world capital of the bande dessinée, and suffered its own terrorist attack in May 2014 with the killing of four persons at the Brussels Jewish Museum.
Youngsters from all over the world are attracted by the
spectacular music festivals, crazy night clubs and laid back coffee
The EU capital is having some laid-back moments during the holiday season.
Less than one month to go… Running the San Silvestre from the centre of Madrid to the popular Barrio de Vallecas on 31 December is probably the healthiest way to prepare for the excesses of the night. Thousands of people gather every year for this 10 km marathon in which the least important is who gets…